The Killarney Weekly of July 13th, 1926
The Killarney Weekly was published by Bill Currie and Bert Johnson, both of whom worked at Jackman's General Store in the mid-1920's. The July 13th edition was the first. How many followed it is unknown.
T h e    K i l l a r n e y    W e e k l y    --    J u l y    13,    1 9 2 6

G o -s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s  - s - s - s - s i p

                     1st Edition                                                                                                                                               News that is fit to print

                     Edited by Bill Currie                                                                                                                                    10 cents per copy
                     Staff Reporter Bert Johnson

--  B l i n d    b u t    n o t    d e a f  --
                                                                                                                                              Sincerely, B. Currie
Mr. Currie and Mr. Johnson editor and staff reporter respectively felt it to be necessary for a weekly newspaper to be printed and published in Killarney concerning both the social and scandalous events. The staff felt that the grapevine telegraph is not all th it should be, therefore the staff have come to the conclusion that a weekly newspaper would bring to old Killarney folks all that is going on concerning everybody. We will endeavour to bring as close as possible all the news that is fit to print. We will be pleasedto listen to any suggestions at any time, but we cannot promise to publish everything we hear. We will be earnest in our statements and trust that no offensive attitude will be taken. Our territory will be mainly Killarney, as we have pre-arranged with our next door neighbour Little Current not to interfere with their social events. We will do our very best to please and although this project will be undertaken at a great expense we look for cooperation on the part of the Killarney folks. Only under this condition can this paper be printed weekly. We will not ask any, but will accept, donations. We trust that this paper will be subscribed for by everyone and that no one person will have the colossal audacity to borrow this paper from another but will be willing to pay the small sum of 10 cents to get all the latest gossip of our beautiful village. Heretofore hearsay has been dominant. By that we mean there has been quite a lot of "I've just heard" and "Didja hear".
Killarney: Nature's Playground
The Dance
Marine News
"We just heard"
Parts 1 & 2
Social Events
Big Contest!!!
Girls get ready!
Pucker up your lips!
Jackman's Weekly Store News
