The Ojibwe Creation Story
This story is based on the one told by Edward Benton-Banai in his book The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Ojibway (Indian Country Press, 1979, St. Paul, Minnesota)
When Mother Earth was young, she had a family and was very beautiful. She is called Mother

because from her come all living things. Underground rivers are her veins and water is her

blood. On her surface, there are four sacred directions -- north, south, east, and west. Gitchie

Manito, the Creator, took four parts of Mother Earth -- earth, wind, fire, and water -- and blew

into them using the Megis or Sacred Shell, making a man. The Great Spirit then lowered

man to Mother Earth, as part of her, to live in brotherhood with all that sourrounded him. This

man, in accordance with the Creator's instructions, walked Mother Earth and named all the

animals, plants, and land features. He also named the parts of the body. The Creator sent the

wolf to provide company for the man as he traveled the earth, then told them to go their

separate ways. From original man came the Anishinaabe and all other tribes. The Ojibwe

are Nee-kon-nis (brothers) with all other tribes. The only thing that separates these tribes is

different languages.
Ah-ki' is Mother Earth

Nee-ba-gee'sis is the Moon, also called Grandmother

Gee'sis is the Sun, also called Grandfather (Mishomis)

The sky and many other things on Earth are also called Grandfather, because they were here before original man was created.

Way-na-boo'zhoo refers to Original Man. Boo-zhoo' means "hello" and acknowledges that the Anishinaabe came from original man.
