1923 Mason Certificate for Robert C. Muirhead
The owner of the 1923 document shown below is interested in information from anyone who understands its historical significance. The document is under glass in its original wooden frame, with  beautiful carvings of various items at each corner (e.g., a compass).

The heading of the document is The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Underneath that sentence is William Nisbet Ponton, Esquire K.C. Grand Master.

See the links at the bottom of this page to view the entire document and for closeups of the crest and the english text. If you have any information, please email Adele.
The text reads:

Sciant Omnes

venerabiles et amantes fratres nostri quibus advenerint hae Literac Robertum C. Muirhead, qui Nomen Luum in margine scripsit in illo caetu nostro nomine "Fordwich" numero 331 Fordwich 3 die Novembris AL5922 habito fratrem in primo gradu occulta scientia Latomorum vel artis aedificatoria inauguratum esse, necnon debito tem pore ad secundum gradum promotium in caetu supradicto

et tum denique ad tertium gradum admissum in eodem caetu nomenque ejus in actis summi nostri concilii rite recensitum esse. In cujus rei testimonium nomen meam subsoripsi sigillumque supradicti summi concilii apposui Hamilton datum hoc 14 die July AL5923 AD1923
View the entire certificate
Closeup of the crest and title
Closeup showing details of the crest
Closeup of the English text of the certificate
