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Killarney History |
Records from Indian Affairs Canada -- The Last Will and Testament of Nancy Wapoose |
Nancy Wapoose was also known as Nancy Peladeau/Palado, Nancy Recollet, and Nancy Maville. She was the foremother of all the Bateman and Pitfield families and all the descendants of the Andre Prue/Proulx and Whitfield Tillson families. See the bottom of this page for links to more genealogic information about her. |
Last Will and Testament of Nancy Wapoose Dated November 25, 1886 I Nancy Wapoose of the town of Sarnia in the county of Lambton, widow, declare this to be my last will and testament. I bequeath my personal estate as follows: - To Henry Maville, my son I give one feather bed, two pillows, one straw tick, one bedstead, six cane chairs, one rocking chair, ten quilts and one single blanket and one large looking glass. To William West my grandson I give one trunk, one feather bed, two pillows, five quilts, one bedstead, one tick, six silver teaspoons, one large looking glass and my gold pencil and pen. To George Pitfield my grandson I give one trunk, one feather bed, two pillows, five quilts, one bedstead, one tick, six silver teaspoons, and one gold chain. To Harriet Proulx my granddaughter I give one trunk, all my best clothes, one bedstead, one small bureau, my brooch, earrings, locket and other personal jewelery except said pencil and chain. To Julia Bateman I give my ordinary wearing apparel. I give the remainder of my household furniture and effects to be divided by my Executors according to their discretion so that the value may be distributed as nearly as may be as follows -- that is to say -- to Charles Laforge one fifth, to Julia Bateman two fifths and to Henry Maville two fifths. And as to the interest on my capital money being my share of the proceeds derived from the sale of the lands in the township of Enniskillen in the county of Lambton I give the same as follows that is to say -- one fifth to my said son Charles Laforge, two fifths to my daughter Julia Bateman and the remaining two fifths to the said Henry Maville. And I direct that the said capital money itself if obtainable shall be divided amongst the said Charles Laforge, Julia Bateman, and Henry Maville in the same proportions as the interest. I devise my real estate as follows:- To my said daughter Juia Bateman I devise the North half of my lot of land situate in the township of Sarnia in the county of Lambton and being a part of the Indian reservation. And to my son Henry Maville I devise the South half of the same lot. The remainder of my real estate consisting of lot number One on the West side of Christina Street in the town of Sarnia aforesaid in Jones's survey of part of the Indian lands, being the place where I now reside and all other real estate whatsoever to which I may be entitled at the time on my decease I devise to my Executors hereinafter named upon trust to sell the same and to dispose of the proceeds of such sale as follows: -- that is to say, I direct my said Executors first to pay thereout all my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses and to give to my granddaughter Harriet Proulx one seventh of the remainder of the proceeds. And as to the balance of the said proceeds I direct my Executors to gove to the said Julia Bateman one fourth thereof, to the said Henry Maville one fourth thereof, to the children of my late daughter Mary one fourth thereof to be divided in equal portions and to the children of my late aughter Caroline Maville the remaining one fourth thereof to be divided in equal portions. I appoint Robert Mackenzie of the town of Sarnia aforesaid Builder, Ebenezer Watson of the same place Indian Land agent and Adam English of the same place Indian agent to be the Executors of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at the town of Sarnia aforesaid this twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and eighty six. her Nancy X Wapoose mark Signed by the testatrix as her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses, the same having been first fully read and explained to the said Nancy Wapoose who seemed perfectly to understand the same and made her mark thereunto in our presence. H.C. Taylor, of the town of Sarnia, Mariner William Wawanosh of the town of Sarnia, Indian Interpreter |
The information available from this page relates to the families of: Julia Peladeau/Palado and 1st husband Andre Prue/Proulx Julia Peladeau/Palado and 2nd husband Henry Bateman George Pitfield Sr. and Caroline Recollet/Maville Whitfield Tillison/Tillson and Mary Recollet/Maville |
It comes from two files, together numbering over 500 pages and obtained through the ArchiviaNet database, at the National Archives of Canada website. The source for each file: National Archives of Canada, Indian Affairs RG10, Volume 1943, File 4172-1: Sarnia reserve - Claim of Mary (Wapoose) Bateman to money for improvements on the sale of her land in Enniskillen Township. National Archives of Canada, Indian Affairs RG10, Volume 1943, File 4172-2: Sarnia reserve - Claim of Nancy Wapoose to an annuty arising from the sale of her lot in Enniskillen Township. |
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